A Thousand A Month: David Hurley in Conversation with Alex Nordach 1/7

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David: Are you ready?

Alex: I’m ready.

David: Okay. Hello folks, this is David Hurley of Top5Programs.com and EliteDownlineBuilder.com talking to you today about a project that I worked on with my man here, Alex Nordach. It’s our biggest project, a joint project called “Thousand a Month.” It’s a book we published… when did we publish it?

Alex: Early 2018.

David: Early 2018, was it? We published it in 2018, so we want to go through our ideas behind the book, how it came together, how we ended up working together on it, and to give you some insights into what it’s all about.

So thanks for doing this with us today, Alex.

Alex: Absolutely my pleasure.

David: And could you introduce yourself to “my people?”

Alex: Well, my name is Alex Nordach. David and I are both expatriates in Hiroshima, Japan, and the online marketing community here is pretty small, so I think that’s fair to say.

David: It is very small, yes.

Alex: So we kind of naturally drifted together I guess about four or five years ago and got to talk about online marketing. And David’s style and my style are different actually, totally different business models at that time, and so we had, when we started talking to each other we had a little bit of synergy.

David: Yes.

Alex: And certainly a lot of comment in terms of shared experience, getting things going with an online business.

David: Yeah, that’s right. So we decided, well, what actually happened, you had written the main part of this A Thousand A Month and had kind of set it aside.

Alex: Yes, yes, I wasn’t doing anything with it.

David: And I had a look at it and I thought we can do something with this because there’s some good information in here which to be really helpful to anybody who wants to get started with an online business or who has started but isn’t making much progress or isn’t making much money, and they’d like some insight into how to take it to the next stage, to the stage of actually being able to make $1000 a month profit. And so I picked it up and put on the front and the back of the book and a few bits in the middle.

Alex: Bits of editing.

David: Yeah, an editing job, editing and expanding job. … How did you get started with Internet marketing?

Alex: I got started back in 2008, I think. I started getting interested in it because the Internet was really blowing up by that point, and it seemed to me that it was a good opportunity. As you know, but your people probably don’t, I do own and run a brick-and-mortar business which is a language school in Hiroshima, so I’ve been doing that for quite a while since 1999. And it was by 2008, you know, just kind of getting a little bit old and I wanted to try something – kind of expand my horizons and internet marketing seemed to be pretty, I don’t want to say “low risk” because it’s actually kind of high risk, but low investment way of doing it. And so that’s, I started reading some of the more well-known Internet marketers, Yanick Silver and Dan Kennedy people like that. I subscribed to few of the newsletters and after about a year, I felt like I was pretty knowledgeable about what to do, more importantly, what not to do. So I just went ahead and jumped in.

David: Yeah, and the thing about internet marketing is that you can set it up bit by bit from the side while running your business.

Alex: That’s exactly what I did.

David: And in my case, I’m a freelance English teacher. My main English teaching here is business, colleges and private lessons and on the side, I was building up my own business as well, internet business.

So that is the great thing we actually talked about that, you don’t have to, you know, there’s a lot of disparagement out there about jobs though it’s a job just over broke. Well, that “just over broke” job is keeping you and perhaps your family afloat while you build your side business and even once the side business is making a thousand a month or more, then you’re in a nice position where you can decide actually I love my job. … So it’s the best of both worlds, you get two sources of income, your job income and your side income on the internet, your side hustle income.

Alex: Yeah, it’s worth mentioning that I still have the language school and that’s been almost 25 years, sorry, almost 20 years, it’ll be 20 years this month, that I’ve been running it, so quite a while.

But I kept it, and David is absolutely right, I have not done enough with Internet marketing to actually have that replace the real income that I’ve been making in my real job. But I do think it is very possible to do that, but I just haven’t put in the time and effort to do that.

David: Well, there was also a side advantage to us in our particular situation. We both live in Japan, so our main job brings in the yen income. And I guess seems to me you’re similar to me, your internet income is mainly a dollar income.

Alex: Yes, a 100% dollar income.

David: Yeah, so we can play the exchange markets there, as well. So, can you talk a bit about what your initial idea was for an Internet business?

Alex: Well, if you get into internet marketing, there are a lot of resources that are already out there that can get you from zero to somewhere. And by that I mean that there you can go on – it’s been years since I was together with this but at the time there was Yanick Silver [who] was offering his free set-up service and there was Ryan Lee was another guy,

David: I don’t know that name.

Alex: Yeah, yeah, he’s more than the fitness industry marketing stuff, which is more my niche than David’s but yeah, you can and I think still to this day you can probably go online and find three, four hour long videos that will show you exactly how to, you know, get a domain name, how to come up with an idea, actually, if that’s what you need, how to get hosting, how to do all that basic stuff. It’s gonna get you online and actually allow you to say, “I have an Internet business,” but going from there and then actually making money at it, you know, nobody really seems to address that.

David: Yes.

Alex: And then on the far end you’ve got these guys who have really really made it big you’ve got the multi- millionaires, people who you know, Mike Filsame was the first guy that I knew of who made like two million dollars with his Butterfly Marketing.

David: Yes.

Alex: Yanick Silver I know has made, and continues to make, millions of dollars a year. I’ve met the guy in person. I think he’s absolutely genuine. I’ve met Mike Filsame as well. Dan Kennedy is obviously a very very successful marketer, not only on the Internet, but in lots of different areas. So you know you’ve got these guys who are really really writing it in seven sometimes eight figure incomes just from Internet Marketing, but those guys are the unicorns, you know they are the extreme outliers and I don’t want to, you know, mislead anybody. I personally do not believe that anyone, just any old person can go on the internet set up a business and make a million dollars. I don’t think that’s true. I think that’s actually pretty unrealistic. The guys who did that usually got in very early and… or they had a really really good idea and then they just devoted their entire life to it, you know like the the guy with “The Truth about Abs” was another another fitness guy. He went and he made four or five million dollars because he was really good.