How To Create An E-book For Free And Get More Online Sales

Today I’ll show you how to create an e-book for free and use it to get more online sales. Creating your own unique e-book is one of the best things you can do to improve your online business.

But what kind of e-book should you create for best results?

Here’s what I recommend, based on my experience of learning how to create an e-book for free:

The best kind of e-book is one that offers a clear solution to a clearly defined problem.

The solution is to buy your product. Your e-book should offer your product or service as the best solution to a specific problem that your target audience faces.

So how exactly do to you that?

By leading your readers step by step from understanding the problem to finding out that your offer is the best or the only solution.

Here is how to lay out the content of your e-book step-by-step:

  • Tell your readers what the problem is.
  • Paint a picture of the benefits of solving the problem.
  • Promise to solve it for them.
  • Explain the problem in detail before you offer the solution.
  • Show them what does not work and why.
  • Now tell them about your product or service.
  • Show them why it is the solution they need.
  • Remind them of the benefits they will enjoy.
  • Urge them to take action and buy your product.
  • Offer a bonus, discount or incentive to compel them to buy now.

Once you know the steps, it is much easier to write your own e-book. A good quality e-book will be between 2,000 and 5,000 words in length. Use a conversational style. Write as if you were talking to a friend over a coffee. Use short sentences, like the ones I’m using in this paragraph. That way, your e-book will be easy to read. Your readers will understand your message. They will be more likely to take action. And you won’t have to pay a content writer to write it for you.

So that is how to create the content of an e-book that guides the reader towards buying your product. Next, let’s look at the technical side of how to create an e-book for free.

But before we do that, perhaps you’re wondering if it’s really worth the effort to create your own e-book. So let’s talk about some other benefits of creating your own e-book.

What Are The Benefits Of Creating Your Own E-book?

  • Authority: Writing your own unique e-book demonstrates your expertise.
  • Branding: Your e-book helps you to brand yourself and stand out in your niche market.
  • Uniqueness: It’s your e-book; you wrote it in your own words. You are the only one who wrote it.
  • Trust: As people read your e-book, they learn to know, like and trust you.
  • Funded-Proposal: Use your e-book win the first sale from your target audience.
  • Follow-Up Sales: Generate follow-up sales by linking to your products as solutions to specific problems.

Okay, now let’s look at how to use free online tools to create your e-book.

How To Create An E-book For Free Using Online Tools

Use Google Docs or Open Office to create a document.

how to create an ebook for free with canva

Before you print your e-book, use to create and import some images. Canva is a design website you can use for free. When you are ready, download then drag your images into your e-book document.

You can also use Canva to create a professional-looking cover for your e-book.

When you have finished creating your e-book, you can “print” it as a PDF file.

I used to work with, which enables you to print documents as PDF files.

Nowadays I create my e-books on Google Docs and “print” them as PDF files.

Either way, you can create a professional-looking e-book completely free using these online resources.

How To Promote And Sell Your E-book

1. Create A Niche Blog

The best place to promote your e-book is your niche blog. If you don’t yet have one, get started with a free blog hosted by Your niche blog is your main online marketing platform. Create keyword-rich content to drive targeted traffic to your blog.

2. Set Up An E-Junkie Account

Create an account on and upload your e-book PDF file. It costs just $5 a month to run a basic account with E-junkie. It gives you a secure way to sell your e-book. You can copy Buy Now and Add To Cart links to post on your blog. Create an e-book sales page on your blog and post your Buy Now link on it.

Once you have created the sales page on your blog, you are ready to start promoting your e-book.

3a. Create A Squeeze Page Campaign

The best way to do that is to set up a squeeze page campaign. Use Leadsleap to make a squeeze page. You can add an email opt-in form that will link your squeeze page to your autoresponder service.

3b. Create a Free Report

What? Do I have to write another e-book??

Don’t panic! Your free report is much shorter than your e-book. Aim to make it between 1,500 and 2,000 words in length. A good way to create it is with this kind of format:

“How To [Solve XYZ Problem] In [7] Easy Steps”

You can really speed things up if you have already published some good quality content on your blog. Copy and paste it into a Google or Open Office document. Now you can edit it and turn it into a PDF report that you can give away.

In the free report, simply lay out the steps. Offer valuable information, but do not tell them all your secrets! Make them hungry for more. Tell them they can get all the information in your e-book. Include a Call To Action that directs your readers to your e-book sales page.

3c. Your Marketing Funnel

Offer your free report on your squeeze page. This is the top of your marketing funnel. Here’s the process from the top of the funnel to the point where people buy your e-book:

  1. Promote your squeeze page on safelists and other ad sites.
  2. Squeeze page visitors opt in to your list to get your free report.
  3. After opting in, they are immediately redirected to your e-book sales page.
  4. Your free report arrives in their inbox.
  5. Inside the free report there is a link to your e-book sales page.
  6. You create an email follow-up series that gently promotes your e-book over a period of severals days, weeks or months.

4. Offer Incentives

how to create an e-book for free and sell it by offering incentives

Whenever I sell an e-book, I offer something extra as an added incentive for people to buy it. An easy and effective way to do that is to offer Rewardicals to your customers. Rewardicals are digital reward tokens which can be traded in for rewards such as Bitcoin, gift certificates, silver bullion and more.

Once everything is set up, all you need to do is:

  • promote your squeeze page and
  • create relevant content to increase targeted traffic to your blog.


I hope you found this article on “how to create an e-book for free” helpful. If you follow the steps outlined here, you will be well positioned to sell more and make more. That’s the aim of your online business, after all!

Click the button for more about how to create an e-book for free and earn $1000 a month selling it online. That’s $1000 or more in e-book sales alone, NOT INCLUDING product sales that your e-book generates:

how to create an e-book for free and earn $1000+ a month from it.

David Hurley


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