
We mentioned a lot of different tools and resources throughout this case study. We’ve brought them together in this resources list so you can quickly and conveniently find the ones you need.

Setting Up Your Online Business offer comprehensive online affiliate business training courses. Take their Online Entrepreneur Certification (Level 1) Course free of charge. It will take you through the process of setting up a niche blog and show you how to find and sell affiliate products.

Securely host your WordPress blogs on WealthyAffiliate’s excellent SiteRubix hosting service. Use their Jaaxy keyword reserarch tool to find the best keyword phrases for every blog post you create and see how your blog posts rank for those keywords.

Choose Your Free SiteRubix Domain Name Here:

Get yourself a free subdomian on the SiteRubix blogging platform and blog for free while you learn the ropes:  Real-time stats for your website. Easy to set up, easy to read, easy to upgrade. There are plenty of other sites around that do the same thing and offer much of the same functionality, but we find Statcounter to be the easiest and most intuitive to use.

Leadsleap is where David hosts his ebooks in pdf file format.

e-Junkie is where Alex hosts his ebooks. Cheap, reliable, easy to use.

Use AuthorLab.Pro to publish and market your ebooks and paperbacks.

Find an expert to do a job for you on

Use Perry Marshall’s Grade Readability Checker to check the reading age of your content. (Lower is better!)

Use Google’s free Content Experiment tool to Improve your conversion rate by creating and split-testing two or more landing pages on your website.

If you really want to buy Pay Per Click advertising on Google, don’t spend a cent on it until you have read Ultimate Guide To Google Adwords by Perry Marshall. 

WA Affiliate Bootcamp also offers an excellent FREE course on how to run a PPC ad campaign on Bing and Yahoo.

Use to create free logos, banners, blog headers and other graphics.

Become a “Flexpert” and offer your service or skill so you can earn some income online while you build your business:

Taking Your Business to the Next Level

Use a list management system (aka autoresonder) to build your list. We recommend Send Steed that was launched by Leadsleap in April 2020. 

Use to manage your social media campaigns on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Earn Crypto For Using Social Media

Here are my favourite crypto-related social media sites: – the “Twitter” of the crypto sphere. Earn Bitcoin Cash when people tip your posts. And – get this – you can also earn Bitcoin Cash when you tip other people’s posts! – Earn Hive crypto currency for blogging, and also for commenting on and “upvoting” other people’s posts. Here is some free training to help you understand and get started on the Hive blockchain: The Hive Guide